DCS Fruit Seeds

DCS Crops / Fruits / Hybrid Watermelon
DCS Amisha

Jaina (DWH 701)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine
Harvesting : 95-100 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour : Light Green, With Dark Green stripes
Fruit Flesh: Crimson Red with good Texture.
Fruit Weight (kg): 8-12 Kg
T.S.5 (%): 10-12%
Keeping quality: Good

DCS Amoda

Jalak (DWH 702)

Plant Type:Highly Vigorous vine
Harvesting : 80-85 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Globe
Fruit Colour : Dark Green
Flesh Colour: Bright Red, Crispy
Fruit Weight (kg) : 6-8 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: Good for long distance transportation

DCS Amogh

Jigna (DWH 703)

Plant Type:Strong Vigorous vine
Harvesting : 70-75 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour : Dark Green
Flesh Colour: Deep Red, granular & low Fibrous
Fruit Weight (kg) : 4-5 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: High yielder, very good keeping quality and suitable for long distance transportation

DCS Jignagold

Jigna Gold (DWH 704)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine with better Fruit Setting
Harvesting : 68-70 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour : Dark Blackish Green
Flesh Colour: Deep Red, Crispy
Fruit Weight (kg) : 3-4 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: Long shelf life & Excellent for long distance transportation

DCS Amisha

Sugar More (DWH 706)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine with better Fruit Setting
Harvesting : 72-75 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour : Attractive Dark Black
Flesh Colour: Crispy & Bright Red
Fruit Weight (kg) : 2.5-4.0 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-14%
USP: Durable rind, long shelf life & Excellent for long distance transportation

DCS Amoda

jatin (DWH 707)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine with better Fruit Setting
Harvesting : 65-70 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour : Dark Black
Flesh Colour: Bright Red, Crispy
Fruit Weight (kg) : 3-4.5 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: Long shelf life & Excellent for long distance transportation

DCS Amogh

Magnus (DWH 710)

Plant Type:Strong Vigorous vine
Harvesting : 75-80 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour :Dark Green
Flesh Colour: Crisp Deep Red
Fruit Weight (kg) : 5-6 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: Excellent Shipping quality & long shelf life

DCS Green

Red Queen (DWH 711)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine with better Fruit Setting
Harvesting :65-68 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour :Dark Black
Flesh Colour: Crispy, Bright Red
Fruit Weight (kg) : 3.5-4 Kg
T.S.S(%): 12-13%
USP: Long shelf life & Excellent for long distance transportation

DCS Amisha

KKK (DWH 712)

Plant Type:Vigorous vine with better Fruit Setting
Harvesting :65-68 days after Sowing
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Colour :Dark Black
Flesh Colour: Crispy, Bright Red
Fruit Weight (kg) : 4-5 Kg
T.S.S(%): 13-14%
USP: Long shelf life & Excellent for long distance transportation
